From the famous to the obscure, traditional to modern, American homes reflect the influential individuals who commissioned them. Presenter Paul Neumann takes us on a slideshow tour inside some of America's greatest historic house museums.
Join us for a screening and discussion of the documentary Alice’s Ordinary People. The film chronicles the journey of Alice Tregay, a Chicago civil rights activist. Director Craig Dudnick will lead the discussion.
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a performance from students of Chicago’s famed Trinity Academy of Irish Dance.
Learn why Chicago dyes its river green, how the movie The Fugitive took advantage of this event, and what impact the colorant may have on river wildlife. Film historian Kelli Marshall will discuss all this and some behind-the-scenes stories from the movie.
Attention, Dragon Riders! Join us for an exciting Onyx Storm project in the FabLab! We will be crafting four Empyrean-inspired ceramic coasters for you to decorate and take home. Spoilers are not included. Space is limited, so sign up today!
Join us for a special showing of the documentary 9to5: The Story of a Movement, provided through Illinois Libraries Present. It is the story of a group of Boston secretaries known as 9to5, who in the early 1970s set out to change the American workplace and inspired the hit song along the way. Register to watch from home anytime from March 21 to March 23, or join us for a screening in our Meeting Room on March 23. Register with the link below!